Reflective Trees

Tree Reflection

Trees are truly wonderful things.  Like a combination of all the types of structural things combined that nature can offer and more intricate than we can create adequately.  Each one is unique and has character. They are alive, we need them not only for our air but because of our need for aesthetic.  Were they not here our lives would lack far more than we might think.  You remember some for the rest of your life, ones from the garden when you were a child, favourite climbing tree, fruit tree you picked from, tree you sat under for shade or shelter.  They are entwined within our lives as silent majestic points of anchor.

Misty Caress

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Sometimes even in the midst of what may be a dark hour, a clip of nature throws a gentle lilt to show that life does go on, it isn’t always drudge, it isn’t always about the long drawn out events.

“A poor life this if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare”

Drawn to you

Drawn to you

I am drawn to you like I am drawn to poetry or to J. M. Coetzee. I must constantly resort to you whenever the world seems too colloquial to understand. An acquired comfort I get whenever you talk about the moral barbarians and literary censorship. I gawk at your spirited face and chew every word you said as I take them by heart.

I am drawn to you like I am drawn to deciduous, a tree with no leaves. It speaks more than what it looks, it evokes emotion beyond what one usually sees. Nature has never been constant. It was never sure and convinced. In the case of a tree, the essence is seen only if it’s bold and vulnerable.

I am drawn to you like I am drawn to finding the exact words to write. Unspoken words that lose their meaning once explained. I could describe them and tell you how it feels but words will always be sparse and inappropriate. A true feeling is hard to box.

I am drawn to you like I am drawn to an impossible dream. ###