Corridor Commuter

It had not been my intention to leave things as long as I have done, interestingly when you look at the above picture as a juxtaposition to the commute of my writing companion here you might think I had more time than most given that my commute is the steps down this corridor to the room at the end. However all is seldom what it seems and time ebbs away just as easily when work is heavy and tempers are frayed. Just because time lost in travel is regained does not always mean it becomes time spent on oneself.  


There are times when you stop and take a long hard look at something that would otherwise be everyday and realise that it is not.  I have never kept a clean tidy desk it isn’t in my nature I don’t think but the plethora of screens and general bedlam going on here might perhaps explain a lot!  I might try to argue that it isn’t always like this, it would be reasonable to claim that in the sense of exactitude but not if seeking to convey that it has of late been more orderly.  Each thing has its function, though it is arguable as to whether this function specifically has to be here.  I spend currently a great deal more time at this desk than I might otherwise have expected and yet when I spent less time it was probably more geared up for its functionality rather than being such an apocalyptic mess.  I think I definitely need to get a handle on these things!