Be Still

Impromptu tear upon my cheek
What is your role, what do you seek
Elicited from memories deep
A world long gone you could not keep

As track you make sink dew to skin
Forlorn in hope new life begin
The manner that hint you of grief
illustrate that time brings no relief

Though fleeting be your silvery stain
Emotion whence you came remain
But soon retreats, once more be masked
as daily life more stoic tasked

Betwixt the conscious mundane fate
Flows deeper love through Traitors Gate
The heart beats not on axeman’s block
Through tear-filled eyes at twelve o’clock

Pause not too long beneath the blade
In fear observe the mess you made
Hold back the reemergent tear
Dwell not on now but yesteryear

Is It Better When You Lost?

Clichées are very often that because they are true for so many people in a variety of circumstances.  Or perhaps they are clichées because people say them so frequently whether they are true or not in order to say something when they cannot think of anything original, prefering instead to fall back on a hackneyed phrase or mantra that smacks of empathy without really ever putting themselves out on a limb.  No area is more cliché-ridden than that of love.

Most of us have been at the sharp end of the ‘L word’ more than once and to have been so requires us to have first experienced the very reason that makes us take the risk.  The alternative is the life of the comfortably numb.  Is it therefore a panacea that we seek to give the person newly joining the brother- or sisterhood of the lachrymose succour or is it in fact ourselves we wish to reassure that such things have ultimately a karmic balance that will result in the end all our dreams coming true and all our fears being quashed?  If by every emotional catastrophe of others we allow our own belief to be dented then from where can we draw our hope?

You may feel life has meaning and if so this may bring you a sense of order, of balance or at least of some reason.  You may feel that fate has its plans, that there is a reason for everything and a path we are all destined to walk down.  If, like me, you do not hold with any of those tenets then you have to look upon such events in life as being ones that do not resolve themselves and that we as humans are in fact naive to believe they will, not to mention rather self-indulgent in even thinking they should.

Time does not heal it merely clots the wound, allows a scab to form and eventually, after perhaps some picking at it or the metaphorical application of salt by life events and/or people, to be left with a scar that no longer causes physical pain but reminds us of a time when we once felt it and the reasons we were wounded in the first place.  If we are lucky it is scarred in a place that is not so often visible, if we are not then perhaps we will forever wince when something strays near the area, transporting us back to the spectre of what had caused us the pain the first time or maybe just the last time.  Do we stop undertaking the activity that caused it in the first place? That rather depends on how much we enjoyed it, or what enticement there may be to do so again, but we will never be the same innocent participant as we were before, we will have protective clothing and be watching for the blade that cut us.

I am wounded and the blood is yet to clot, the pain is duller now as my brain has become more used to its ache and it has sought to release some endorphins to help me to function at all.  I do not need platitudes I need morphine derivatives, anything else just seems either callous or patronising and neither of those are any more helpful than vacuous clichées!

Clung Cancer

Oh for the deafening roar of life, the headlong pursuit of others direction
as opposed to the silence encompassing one’s own fearful introspection.
Where now oh heart, encased in ice, to assuage the wounding ardour?
Am I now where I should be or could I have tried a whole lot harder?

The die is cast, the head decrees, and thus ends the path I’ve trodden,
now stripped down, bare-boned, for my clothes from tears were sodden.
Such light was snuffed and with it warmth, no shelter from it freezing
and all is blanched of colour whilst nothing left is ever pleasing.

My words they come in fits and starts but no more does someone listen,
my eyes glaze over all the time for there is nought to see that glistens,
no voice from her, cannot surprise, but for lonely soul so haunting,
to feel that chill forever still eternity is daunting.

Remembrances Day


One year to the day I dared to dream
as Cheshire cat who got the cream
cross seas and thru where once was home
to Harbour Bridge and Opera dome

the day that passed will e’er reman
with vision of you just the same
the gentle touch surround my face
with glowing brush of softest grace

I pine for times between us close
and fight the demons most morose
to seek to look, perhaps to find
the happiness I left behind

for you the cause of so much joy
enlightened as you did this boy
who never felt now such the loss
where life reveals now sanded gloss

I pray you well my sweetheart fair
as I sit here and you lay there
in other life I hope to find
better circumstances us will bind

for now I can but weep, lament
whimper dark and malcontent
the world holds no more which to smile
the streets and screens no more beguile

without the dawn to hear your voice
an endless slumber would be choice
yet wake I do, albeit late
to drowsy frown and cursing fate

for in all I see and all I do
the constant essence hints of you
the anchors and routines I know
the signing off of love, Coco

Lights Go Out, Walls Come Tumbling Down



(Solar Eclipse Oxford 9.17am 20 Mar 2015)

It used to be seen as a portent of doom.  For me personally it came in the very midst of the most turmoiled week I have had in a great many years.  In the space of the 7 days directly surrounding that Friday the upheaval was such that had not been in my life in well over a decade.  It may herald a dawn of new hope or of old despair, it may yield something of everything.  It is at best and at worst no more than a dawn.

As the lights went out so a number of fixtures, a number of familiars vanished with it.  Some were cherished, some may come to be.  The world will never be the same again and it remains to be seen whether or not all the lights will come back on.